
New Feature: Chained (tiered) Campaigns

August 13, 2013 - Posted by

What is a chained campaign?

A chained campaign is a campaign that is attached to the delivery order of another campaign. Previously a Campaigns delivery order could only contain Partners.


Lead Wrench's new chained campaigns enable a "tier" functionality without the limits. Cascade from one campaign to another ensuring each lead is matched with the best possible Partner in your portfolio.


1. Group your lead buyers into individual campaigns, each with their own Settings and Rules. Chain them all to a single Master campaign's delivery order for tiered campaigns functionality.

2. Create a "clean-up" sub-campaign with last-resort Partners who buy the leads that no one else will.

3. Stay organized with a "Housekeeping" campaign that includes your internal partners like your auto-responder and database backup.


Setting a chained campaign is easy.

Create a new campaign (or edit the settings of an existing one) and set the "Campaign Type" to "Master" on the Edit Settings page. You will now see the "Add Campaigns" option on the Edit Delivery page. Any Campaign with a "Campaign Type" set to "Default" can be selected.

Want to see it in action? Watch our Chained Campaigns Video Tutorial here:


Let us know if you have any questions!


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